Release Notes - V.41 Update[]
Major Features
- Wraith arrived in Agora.
- New store content:
- Just Don't
- Wraith Emote
- Just Don't
- New to Loot Crates
- Polished Novaborn Greystone Skin Variation.
- Instructor Feng Mao Skin Variation.
- Polish and Bug Fixing
- Corrected an issue which caused heroes to sometimes not receive the appropriate Card Points
- Red damage indicators now appropriately display all instances of damage taken from enemy Heroes and minions
- Polish and Bug Fixing
- Improved collision upon finishing her Glacial Charge animation
- Polish and Bug Fixing
- Corrected an audio issue causing the footstep sounds to not play
- Containment Fence
- Containment Fence is now a solid wall that only Dekker and her allies can pass through
- Containment fence will no longer apply knockback, damage, or a stun
- Polish and Bug
- Stasis Bomb targeting was completely accurate if Rocket Boots was activated before confirming the ability
- Black Hole
- Initial pull removed
- Steady pull increased
- Steady pull has increased from 300 to 450 units every .35 seconds
- Greystone Guitar Riff Emote added to the store
File:Hero Portrait Grim.exe.png Grim.exe
- Polish and Bug Fixing
- Corrected an issue which caused Grim.EXE’s GTFO ability to go on cooldown if: The animation was cancelled, and Deflector Shield was immediately activated afterward.
- GRIM.EXE's Deflector Shield now appropriately blocks Shockwave's slow and damage
- Polish and Bug Fixing
- Corrected an issue causing Grux's Charge audio to play even if the ability was interrupted
- Kallari Shadow Walk fade audio can now be heard by enemies
- Casting Shadow Walk will now play a sound heard by both allies and enemies
- Cheat Death audio will no longer play if Kallari is already in the Shadowplane
- Polish and Bug Fixing
- Ambush
- Now damages only the selected target rather than dealing AOE damage upon landing
- The slow effect is now conditional upon the damage being dealt
- Tooltip no longer states that it will inflict AOE damage
- Ambush
- Polish and Bug Fixing
- Kwang's sword can no longer be recalled during his ultimate animation
- Mark mana cost from 75/85/95/105 to 90/95/100/105
- Hive damage per DoT tick from 20/32/44/56 to 18/28/38/48
- Hive mana cost from 80/90/100/110 to 100/115/130/145
- Swarm mana cost from 100/120/140/160 to 80 at all levels
- Polish and Bug Fixing
- Long Arm of the Law can be now canceled if basic attack (LMB/R2) is double-pressed/double-clicked immediately after activating
- Telekinetic Link cast range decreased from 1900 to 1800
- Telekinetic Link tether range decreased from 2500 to 2200
- Telekinetic Link total health regen decreased from 60/90/120/150 to 48/72/96/120
- Telekinetic Link health regen duration increased from 2s to 4s
- Psychic Flare blind duration decreased from 1.5/2/2.5/3s to 1.25/1.5/1.75/2s
- Polish and Bug Fixing
- Phase's Telekinetic Link tooltip has been updated to reflect the new link mana cost and pull mana cost
- Corrected the display issue caused by Phase's Psychic Flare on ultrawide monitors
- Energy Lance audio limited to one instance
- Corrected an issue which caused Phase’s blind to function incorrectly when going in/out of the Shadow Plane
- This corrects an issue where all heroes would become invisible to countess if she used Shadow Slip while affected by Phase's Psychic Flare ability
- Obliterate ability now requires line of sight to lock-on to a target
- Obliterate base damage reduced from 120/200/280/360 to 115/190/265/340
- Obliterate Card scaling reduced from 1.4 to 1.25
- Obliterate mana cost increased from 70/75/80/85 to 90/105/120/135
- Scar mana cost increased from 40/45/50/55 to 50/60/70/80
- Polish and Bug Fixing
- Phantom Rush now sends Sevarog in the direction the camera is facing when emoting
- Removed green colors from Severog's smoke skirt and removed green light from basic attacks, to help with visual noise.
- Polish and Bug Fixing
- Shinbi can no longer activate her dash while she is stunned, rooted or silenced
- She can now re-activate her second dash after she is stunned, rooted or silenced
- Rushing Beat can no longer be re-triggered if her initial dash is interrupted
- Shinbi can no longer activate her dash while she is stunned, rooted or silenced
- Polish and Bug Fixing
- Sparrow’s bow no longer floats in air above her when she is knocked up
- Better aligned Sparrow's Rain of Arrows visual effects with each instance of damage
- Polish and Bug Fixing
- Bull Rush
- Collision smoothed out
- Will now appropriately knockback enemies who are standing directly in front of Steel when ability activates
- Bull Rush
- Available 6/27
- New Store Content
- Lunar Ops Wraith Skin
- “Just Don’t” Emote
- New Store Content
- Staff of Legend mana cost increased from 55/60/65/70 to 90 at all levels
- Staff of Legend cooldown changed from 12 to 14/12/10/8
- Staff of Legend no longer damages or pushes back targets behind Wukong
- Weekly Card Pack
- Hunter's Drink
- Armavore
- Radiant Mantle
- Stasis Gem
- Price from 5CP to 6CP
- Cooldown from 45s to 60s
- Polish and Bug Fixing
- Divine Shield now appropriately blocks Shockwave's slow and damage
- Tainted Magik will now correctly apply a damage over time effect from abilities
- Bounty Stalker now correctly stacks critical chance on Basic Attack
- Portal Stone no longer goes on cooldown if it is canceled by an emote
- Polish and Bug Fixing
- Minions will now aggro to stealthed targets when revealed
- Updated Bot behavior
- Bots will now act more according to their role
- Jungler, Support, Carry etc.
- Bots will now act more according to their role
- Added two new difficulty settings for Solo and Co-op playlists
- Renamed difficulty options
- Stars will now change from three to five based on the difficulty selected
- Added PC shortcut key bindings for emotes
- Alt+1, Alt + 2, Alt + 3, Alt + 4
- Polish and Bug Fixing
- Physical and Energy damage numbers will no longer overlap
- Reduced the size of the floating eye icon that indicates a player is in the Shadow Plane
- Rewards for hero level 6+ should now be shown as locked if mastery has not been purchased
- Reshaped in-game HUD elements
- Moved the recall icon from the center of the screen to the bottom left of the screen
- The respawn timer no longer overlaps with the buff bar
- Reshaped the respawn timer from a diamond to a circle
- Tutorial:
- The Core will now highlight appropriately
- Steel should now correctly leave his spawn point in the Tutorial
- Corrected an issue causing players to get stuck if you were in the mute menu when a tutorial message pops up
- The "Win the Match" quest will now show up as checked off once you destroy the core
- The tutorial quest text box no longer clips off the bottom of some characters
- Polish and Bug Fixes
- Phase's Energy Lance should no longer cause hitches or erratic movements during replays
- Corrected a crash that occurred when fast forwarding a replay from the draft lobby to the match
Loot Crate/Monthly Mega Vault[]
- July Monthly Mega Vault
- Magma Scarab Grux
- Deck Slot (x2)
- Silver Chest (x3)
- Matrix (600)
- XP Boost: One Win (x15)
- Coins (x100)
- Gold Chest (x3)
- Card Pack (x5)
- Reputation (25,000)
- Loot Key (x2)
- Gold Loot Key (x1)
- Monastic Rogue Kallari
- Loot Crates Update
- Added
- Legendary
- Citrine Instructor Feng Mao
- Solar Instructor Feng Mao
- Gilded Polished Novaborn Greystone
- Cobalt Polished Novaborn Greystone
- Uncommon
- Wukong Mastery
- Common
- Blush Default Serath
- Jade Default Serath
- Bronze Default Wraith
- Onyx Default Wraith
- Lavender Default Sevarog
- Solar Default Sevarog
- Onyx Fireball Iggy & Scorch
- Tropic Fireball Iggy & Scorch
- Legendary
- Added