Release Notes - v.28 Update
- Weekly Card Pack
- Offensive Maneuvers (Community Pick)
- Snakevine Mesh
- Lesser Health
- Card Filters
- Added rarity and owned filters.
- You can now filter cards by multiple affinities at once.
- Updated all starter decks to include categories.
- Updated new starter decks so that each fully upgraded card is worth 10 points.
- Added new Intermediate decks.
- Intermediate decks unlock for all Heroes at account level 6.
- Added three new cards for these decks:
- Hand of Prophets (8 points of Energy Pen, 3 points of Health)
- Fist of Kings (8 points of Physical Pen, 3 points of Health)
- Touch of Thieves (8 points of lifesteal , 3 points of Health)
- Potions
- Reduced Health Potion healing per second from 14 to 10.
- Reduced Mana Potion mana per second from 5.3 to 3.8.
- Starter Health and Mana potions now only have 2 charges (down from 3).
- Deck builder should now be able to copy starter decks as a base for a new deck.
- Deck names have more space and scroll.
- Added ability to open card shop in the field, but can’t purchase cards unless at base.
- A number of match length reduction measures have been implemented.
- Increasing economic separation of successful players.
- Increased minion last-hit multiplier from 5 to 5.5
- Super Minions
- Increased super minion damage vs other minions.
- Increased super minion damage vs structures.
- Increased number of super minions by 1 per super wave.
- Added the ability of players to tank towers.
- Towers, Inhibitors, & Cores
- Added 65 Physical and Energy Armor to tier 1 tower.
- Reduced Tier 2 tower health from 3500 to 2500.
- Added 65 Physical and Energy Armor to tier 2 tower.
- Increased Tier 1 payout from 200 CP to 500 CP.
- Increased Tier 2 payout from 370 CP to 650 CP.
- Reduced Tier 1 team-wide payout from 200 to 100 CP.
- Reduced Tier 2 team-wide payout from 375 to 100 CP.
- Player’s last hitting towers result in amber to fly to the killer.
- Flattened stacking tower damage debuff from 50% per hit (Max stack of 1), to 25% per hit (Max stack of 2).
- Reduced Inhibitor health from 4000 to 3150.
- Reduced Inhibitor health regen from 6.4 to 5.25.
- Added 65 Physical and Energy armor to Inhibitors.
- Reduced Core health from 8000 to 6300.
- Towers, Inhibitors, & Cores
- Prime Guardian
- Increased team-wide payout from 800 to 1200 CP.
- Reduced global passive drip rate from 1.4 to .7 CP per second.
- Increasing economic separation of successful players.
- Jungle Updates
- Jungle minions can now be stacked.
- Every 2 minutes (6 minutes for buff camps), slain minion camps will respawn and living camps will level up.
- The max level of all jungle minion camps is 5.
- Black Buff
- Rebalanced to match Red and Blue.
- Black buff now spawns at six minutes and respawns or levels every six minutes.
- Reduced initial health from 3500 to [1250, 1250, 1563, 1875, 2188, 2500].
- Reduced initial XP payout from 66 to [30, 52, 75, 97, 120].
- Reduced initial CXP payout from 50 CXP to [38.5, 60, 93.5, 121, 148.5].
- Changed Base attack time is from 0.8 to 1.
- Changed Base attack rating from 100 to [12, 17, 22, 27, 32].
- Blue Buff
- Spawns at 1 minute.
- Increased health from 1012 to [1250, 1250, 1563, 1875, 2188, 2500].
- Reduced initial XP payout from 54 to [30, 52, 75, 97, 120].
- Reduced initial CXP payout from 60 CXP to [38.5, 60, 93.5, 121, 148.5].
- Changed Base attack time is from 1.5 to 1.
- Changed Base attack rating from 18 to [12, 17, 22, 27, 32].
- Red Buff
- Spawns at 1 minute.
- Increased health from 1012 to [1250, 1250, 1563, 1875, 2188, 2500].
- Reduced initial XP payout from 54 to [30, 52, 75, 97, 120].
- Reduced initial CXP payout from 60 CXP to [38.5, 60, 93.5, 121, 148.5].
- Changed Base attack time is from 2.2 to 1.
- Changed Base attack rating from 25 to [12, 17, 22, 27, 32].
- White Camps
- Spawn time has been changed to 60 seconds to coincide with the minion wave timing.
- Increased health from 345 to [475, 594, 713, 831, 950].
- Reduced initial XP payout from 36 to [26, 45.5, 65, 84.5, 104].
- Reduced initial CXP payout from 10 CXP to [16.5, 27.5, 49.5, 60.5].
- Changed Base attack time is from 1.5 to 1.
- Changed Base attack rating from 10.6 to [5, 7, 9, 11, 13].
- Prime Guardian & Orb
- The Prime Guardian now does not level up. It has the same stats at every level. It spawns at 6 minutes and respawns after 10.
- Improved and updated Prime Guardian attack effects.
- Prime Orb Defensive Capture Feature.
- Respawns downed friendly Inhibitors.
- Wards
- Enemies should no longer see that a ward has been placed when they can’t see you.
- Removed eyeball indicator over your head if you were in a Shadow Pad and were seen.
- Kallari’s Shadow Walk and Death Sentence will be the only things that show eyeballs when seen.
- Jungle minions can now be stacked.
- Bots should no longer try to heal allies while in spawn area.
- Added a “Jump to Time” text box on the replay timeline to jump to a specific time in a replay while viewing it.
- Added ability to pause replay recording while keeping the current replay open.
- Draft Lobby dodge penalty no longer applies for Custom Matches.
- No longer penalize players for someone in their party leaving a Draft Lobby.
- Added Oceania servers.
HUD & UI[]
- Team Comms:
- Re-arranged team comms and added deeper layers of communication in each category.
- Attack
- Attack Left / Right / Middle / [Buff]
- Attack Red / Blue / Black / Prime Buff
- Attack Left / Right / Middle / [Buff]
- Alert
- Enemies Missing / Help / Retreat / [On My Way]
- On My Way / Left / Right / Middle
- Enemies Missing / Help / Retreat / [On My Way]
- Defend
- Defend Left / Right / Middle / [Care]
- Careful Left / Right / Middle / Jungle
- Defend Left / Right / Middle / [Care]
- Notify
- Ultimate Ready / Group Up / Be Right Back / [Other]
- Good Job / Sorry / We Need Wards / Don’t Chase
- Ultimate Ready / Group Up / Be Right Back / [Other]
- Attack
- Added a “cancel team comms” prompt with button indicator to the team comms widget.
- Changed “MIA” to “Enemies Missing” to increase clarity.
- Rate limiter to reduce “spammy” team comms.
- Turned the gesture drawing line red so it is clear when it is in gesture mode.
- If you draw a straight line, you now get the deepest option in that direction.
- Re-arranged team comms and added deeper layers of communication in each category.
- Directional damage indicators now louder.
- Added “Show Basic Attack Range Indicator” option to settings.
- Added PlayStation 4 controller shortcuts to a large number of functions.
- Added force feedback on melee hit and melee miss.
- Added force feedback on shots fired for shooters.
- Added friendly team card purchase / complete / discard messages to chat.
- When a Hero’s health regen goes up, the health regen text now temporarily scales up.
- Health pips now correctly oriented for enemy minions.
- Minion health clarity improved.
- Improved sequencing of CP/XP floating numbers and CP/XP meters responding to numbers.
- Chat window is slightly larger.
- Radial Select Enabled.
- Allows usage of items with right-stick on PS4 controller.
- Replaced starting splash screen and loading screen.
- Replaced the old minion icon.
- Status Icons added to profile overview screen.
- Focusing chat window when initiating a chat from the party bar.
- Also changed “whisper” to “chat” in the menu.
- Several early level-up rewards have changed.
- Below are tables of the upcoming rewards structure. Players will retroactively receive rewards for the days/levels they have achieved.
Paragon Level | New Additional Reward* |
Level 7 | Brand of the Iron Eater, Lesser Drain, Drain |
Level 8 | Magna-Lens, Minor Shock, Shock |
Level 9 | Thirstfang, Lesser Drain, Drain |
Level 10 | Elysian Diamond, Basic Spark, Spark |
Level 11 | Flashfire Piston |
Level 12 | Overflowing Gifts |
Level 13 | Traitor's Touch |
Level 14 | Offensive Maneuvers |
Level 15 | Ring of Domina |
Daily Reward (victory Chest) | New Additonal Reward |
Day 1 | 100 Coins |
Day 2 | 100 Coins, 3 day XP boost, Card Pack |
Day 3 | 100 Coins, 3 day Rep Boost, Card Pack |
Day 4 | 100 Coins, 3 Win XP Boost |
Day 5 | 150 Coins |
Day 6 | Random Fury Card |
Day 7 | Random Order card |
Day 8 | Random Intelligence Card |
Day 9 | Random Growth Card |
Day 10 | Random Corruption Card |
Day 11 | Random Universal Card |
Day 12 | Random Fury Card, Random Order Card, Random Intelligence Card, Random Growth Card, Random Coruption Card |
*These rewards are all in addition to the Card Packs, Reputation, and other rewards you would previously receive.
- Added first-time event tips for several actions.
- Added build order guide to card shop.
- Post-match screen received major revamp.
- Home page screen received major revamp.
- Added a Card Shop tutorial for the first time you open it.
- Changed the main font for the UI.
- Overhead health indicator now on by default and has improved visuals.
- Tower indicators are more prominent when player is under tower.
- Minion count on tower now flashes red when entering a dangerously low state.
- Added tutorial quest when playing Solo vs. AI guide the player to important tasks.
- Reliquary renamed to Loot Crate.
- Added language support for Arabic, Polish, and Brazilian-Portuguese.
- Directional attenuation settings on enemies and teammates adjusted to that attacks can be heard if you are standing directly behind shooting player.
- Fixing up the Audio Settings menu
- Added Master, Music, Sound Effects and Voice Sliders.
- Changed the label of the “Other” volume slider to “Sound Effects”
- Defaulted the volumes to 0.7 instead of 1.0
- Fixed an issue where the volumes would go to 0 if you changed the window mode.
All Heroes[]
- Reduced Basic Attack card scaling of casters from 0.7 to 0.4.
- Player Bounties
- Changed killing spree so that it starts on 3 kills instead of 6.
- Increased Player Bounty from 570 CP to 860 CP.
- Increased Player kill streak multipliers for 2, 3, 4, 5, kills and beyond from [1.15x, 1.3x, 1.45x, 1.6x] to [1.3x, 1.6x, 1.85x, 2.25x].
- Heroes now receive damage resistance vs structures (towers, inhibitors and the core) when buying any kind of armor.
- This calculation uses the sum of the Hero’s armor.
- Values under 170 total armor result in less than 6%
- 200 provides ~10%
- 290 provides ~20%
- 300 provides ~22.5%
- 350 provides ~30%
- 440 provides ~40%
- Values over 450 rapidly diminish to 45%
- This calculation uses the sum of the Hero’s armor.
- Stasis Bomb
- Reduced AOE from 300 to 180.
- Reduced stun duration from [1, 1.4, 1.8, 2.2] to [0.5, 0.8, 1.1, 1.5].
- Containment Fence
- Increased cooldown from 100 to 180 at all levels.
Feng Mao[]
- Polish/Bug Fixing:
- Updated tooltip of Primary Ability.
- Tesla Dome
- No longer occasionally does an extra tick of damage.
- Seek & Destroy
- No longer disappears if Gadget is silenced after casting it.
- Corrected an issue that could cause the amount of damage dealt to be less than intended.
- Polish/Bug Fixing:
- Limited Gadget Speed Gate damage sound to 1 .
- Black Hole
- No longer receives CC immunity during ultimate.
- No longer applies shield.
File:Hero Portrait Grim.exe.png Grim.exe[]
- G.T.F.O
- Reduced card scaling from [1, 1.5, 2] to 1 at all levels.
- Warlord’s Challenge
- Bleed is now applied correctly to weapons even if silenced or stunned after ulting.
- Grux’s basic attacks now correctly do full damage instead of being reduced slightly during the ability.
- Slow Grenades
- Now correctly refreshes the slow duration when an enemy hero hits multiple grenades over time.
- No longer disappears if Howitzer is silenced after casting.
- Polish/Bug Fixing:
- Updated tooltip of some abilities.
- Added Howitzer suit start-up sound.
- Audio adjustments on Make it Rain sounds to be louder on explosion, quieter on shot.
Iggy & Scorch[]
- Flame Turret
- Turret fuel/fire time adjusted from [10, 11.5, 13, 14.5] to 12 at all levels.
- Polish/Bug Fixing:
- Increased audio volume of Flame Belch.
- Added Red Death Kallari Skin.
- Shadow Walk
- Activating Shadow Walk while on a Shadow Pad will no longer take you out of stealth before putting you back into stealth.
- Death Sentence
- Fixed an issue where a partial cooldown was triggered if Kallari died during the channel, but full cooldown if cancelled.
- Polish/Bug Fixing:
- Updated tooltip for Shadow Walk.
- Fix foot sliding around while stunned.
- Unleash
- Khaimera can no longer be silenced or CC’ed out of Unleash once it’s active.
- Spirit Regeneration
- Health Regen stacks now shown on the HUD.
- Cull
- Unlocked movement (but not rotation) before the animation is complete.
- Target’s root increased from .5 seconds to 1 second.
- Polish/Bug Fixing:
- Added Splash FX for landing in the water with Ambush.
- Updated tooltip of abilities.
- Tweaks to the effects on Cull.
- Fixed persistent glow on the moon emblem.
- Polish/Bug Fixing
- Updated audio for footsteps and some abilities.
- Updated Devastating Blast tooltip to reflect that it ignores energy armor and has unlimited range.
- Polish/Bug Fixing
- Minor updates to Muriel’s animations.
- Boulder Throw
- Rampage can now throw boulders during Enraged.
- Enraged Boulders throw instantly with a faster animation.
- Adjusted Boulder Throw animation during Enraged.
- Polish/Bug Fixing:
- Updated some ability tooltips.
- Adjustments to his Enraged camera mode.
- Riplash
- Reduced mobility and camera lock when Riplash misses or the target dies.
- Electrocute
- No longer turns off if silenced after the activation.
- Polish/Bug Fixing:
- The Riplash ability tooltip should now list card scaling correctly.
- Subjugate
- Fixed an issue where Subjugate could be interrupted after it was already cast complete.
- Colossal Blow
- Fixed an issue where the cooldown wouldn’t always apply full duration when successfully cast
- Fixed an issue which would prevent other abilities being activated during the recovery animation.
- Polish/Bug Fixing:
- Fixed a bug that was allowing ability FX to be shown for Siphon and Colossal Blow even if it was interrupted before damage done.
- Bow Shot
- Projectile speed should now be consistent with all other projectile speeds.
- Piercing Shot
- No longer disappears if Sparrow is silenced or stunned after cast.
- Relentless
- Increased duration of stacks from 3 seconds to 5 seconds.
- Polish/Bug Fixing:
- Added sound to Sparrow emote, victory, respawn, match start, and select screens.
- Added Diesel Steel Skin
- Barrage
- This ability can now critically strike.
- Polish/Bug Fixing
- Fixed an issue where Twinblast wasn’t getting the full value of crit.
Bug Fixes[]
- Fixed an issue where you couldn't shop while dead.
- Fixed some HUD issues with Cooldown Reduction on Card abilities.
- Fixed occasional crash after clicking “Rate Players.”