Scythes are cards that have an Unique Passive that increase your Basic Attack damage vs Jungle Minions by 15. Scythes don't stack with each other.
Card Name |
Affinity |
Cost |
Placement Time |
Bonus 1 | Bonus 2 | Bonus 3 |
Beastmaster's Scythe | Universal | 3 | 3s | 60 Health | 5.5 Attack Speed | Fully Upgraded Bonus: 60 Health |
Brawler's Scythe | Universal | 3 | 3s | 6 Power | 30 Mana | Fully Upgraded Bonus: 6 Power |
Executioner's Scythe | Corruption | 3 | 3s | 6 Power | 4% Crit Chance | Fully Upgraded Bonus: 4% Crit Chance |
Guardian's Scythe | Universal | 3 | 3s | 6 Power | 60 Health | Fully Upgraded Bonus: 6 Power |