Paragon Wiki

The Prime Helix Guardian is the most powerful neutral monster in Paragon. It appears in both Legacy and Monolith.

The Guardian spawns at 10 minute mark, and respawns every 6 minutes.

Base Stats

Data in bold is the per camp level increase of that stat

Base Health 10000 (+0)
Health Regen Instant when out of combat (+0)
Damage ?? (+??)
Movement Speed Doesn't move
Physical Armor ?? (+0)
Attack Speed 100 (+0%)
Energy Armor ?? (+0)
Experience ?? (+??)
Card Experience 1200 (+??)


- Basic Attack
Prime Helix Guardian fires lasers from his eyes dealing damage.
Damage: ??? Cooldown: ???

- Slam
Prime Helix Guardian slams the ground, slowing all enemies in a cone and damaging them.
Movement Speed Slow: ??? Movement Speed Slow Duration: ???
Damage: ??? Cooldown: ???

- Flare
Prime Helix Guardian fires a flare that deals damage per second to all enemies standing in its AoE.
Damage per Second: ??? Cooldown: ???

- Knock Back
After a short delay, for the next several seconds, Prime Helix Guardian knocks back all enemies near him.
Duration: ?? Damage: ???
Cooldown: ???

- Heal
When the Prime Helix Guardian is out of combat for several seconds, he will quickly restore his health.
Health per Second: ???

The Orb Prime Buff

Killing the Guardian grants the OP Buff to all living teammates for 150 seconds. The buff activates each allied hero's Prime Helix card, giving them the effects of it. The buff is lost when the Hero dies. When the Guardian is killed, each living player on the killer's team is also granted the following:

  • 1200 CXP awarded to each team member
  • ??? XP awarded to each team member nearby
Hero AbilitiesAffinities (Death/Chaos/Growth/Knowledge/Order) ● AuraBasic and Ability ArmorAttributes (Agility/Vitality/Intellect) ● CardsCooldownCooldown ReductionExperienceJumpGemsGoldHealthManaMovement Speed (Movement Speed Penalty)
Attack Armor PenetrationAttack SpeedBasic AttackBasic Attack TimeBasic Attack ModifiersDamage over timeLifestealPower
Status Effects, Buffs and Debuffs BlindCrowd ControlImmunityMetamorphosisRewindShadow PlaneShieldSilenceSlowStasis
World AgoraMinimapBackdoor ProtectionCoreFog WallsFountainJump PadMinionsNeutral Monsters (Aqua Camp/Black Camp/Fangtooth/Gold Camp/Green Camp/Prime Helix Guardian/River Camp/White Camp) ● TowerWards
Gameplay GankingHarassmentInitiatingJunglingKillLanePushingRespawnTraits
Legacy Red CampBlue CampAltarAmber LinkHarvester (Harvester Keys) ● RaptorsShadow PadsTravel Mode