Paragon Wiki

Paragon's itemization system is founded on the purchasing of Attributes to buy Cards and attain Gems. Every Attribute increase costs 1000 gold and gives immediate stats while storing pips that can be traded for Cards when you return to the Fountain.

There are 3 Attributes: Agility, Intellect, and Vitality. Agility will improve the effectiveness of basic attack-based Heroes, Intellect allows ability-focused Hero to use their talents more, and Vitality increases the survivability of any Hero who invests in it.

As you purchase Attributes you will bank what are call "pips". Nearly every Card in the game has an associated pip cost which is noted on the face of the Card. When you have the required pips, you may return to Fountain and place the Card in your Hand. You do not lose pips when you do this! They are stored on the Card itself. If at any time you remove the Card from your Hand the pips are refunded and available to use when selecting another Card from your Deck.

Gems are selected before the match when you create you Deck. Unlike Cards, they are automatically unlocked and give you their effects and stats when you reach their threshold in the given Attribute tree. The Gem thresholds are 1, 7, 13, 19, and 25 pips. Some Gems have stats on them in addition to their effect, this is dictated by the tier of the Gem. Tier 3 and 4 Gems, requiring 13 and 19 pips respectively, each grant an additional 1000 gold worth of a single stat. Tier 5 Gems, requiring 25 pips in a single Attribute, grant 2 separate stat increases valued at 1000 gold each.

Attribute Level Agility Vitality Intellect
1 2.25% Lifesteal 2.2 Health Regen 35 Mana
2 1.47 Attack Speed
1.08 Basic Armor
21.6 Health
0.53 Health Regen
12.6 Mana
4.8% Mana Regen
3 1.47 Attack Speed
1.08 Basic Armor
21.6 Health
0.53 Health Regen
12.6 Mana
4.8% Mana Regen
4 1.47 Attack Speed
1.08 Basic Armor
21.6 Health
0.53 Health Regen
12.6 Mana
4.8% Mana Regen
5 1.47 Attack Speed
1.08 Basic Armor
21.6 Health
0.53 Health Regen
12.6 Mana
4.8% Mana Regen
6 1.47 Attack Speed
1.08 Basic Armor
21.6 Health
0.53 Health Regen
12.6 Mana
4.8% Mana Regen
7 4.9 Power 4.9 Power 3.2% Ability Damage
8 1.47 Attack Speed
1.08 Basic Armor
21.6 Health
0.53 Health Regen
12.6 Mana
4.8% Mana Regen
9 1.47 Attack Speed
1.08 Basic Armor
21.6 Health
0.53 Health Regen
12.6 Mana
4.8% Mana Regen
10 1.47 Attack Speed
1.08 Basic Armor
21.6 Health
0.53 Health Regen
12.6 Mana
4.8% Mana Regen
11 1.47 Attack Speed
1.08 Basic Armor
21.6 Health
0.53 Health Regen
12.6 Mana
4.8% Mana Regen
12 1.47 Attack Speed
1.08 Basic Armor
21.6 Health
0.53 Health Regen
12.6 Mana
4.8% Mana Regen
13 12 Basic Armor 12 Ability Armor 40% Mana Regen
14 1.47 Attack Speed
1.08 Basic Armor
21.6 Health
0.53 Health Regen
12.6 Mana
4.8% Mana Regen
15 1.47 Attack Speed
1.08 Basic Armor
21.6 Health
0.53 Health Regen
12.6 Mana
4.8% Mana Regen
16 1.47 Attack Speed
1.08 Basic Armor
21.6 Health
0.53 Health Regen
12.6 Mana
4.8% Mana Regen
17 1.47 Attack Speed
1.08 Basic Armor
21.6 Health
0.53 Health Regen
12.6 Mana
4.8% Mana Regen
18 1.47 Attack Speed
1.08 Basic Armor
21.6 Health
0.53 Health Regen
12.6 Mana
4.8% Mana Regen
19 8.75 Attack Speed 7.62 Basic Damage 6.12 Power
20 1.47 Attack Speed
1.08 Basic Armor
21.6 Health
0.53 Health Regen
12.6 Mana
4.8% Mana Regen
21 1.47 Attack Speed
1.08 Basic Armor
21.6 Health
0.53 Health Regen
12.6 Mana
4.8% Mana Regen
22 1.47 Attack Speed
1.08 Basic Armor
21.6 Health
0.53 Health Regen
12.6 Mana
4.8% Mana Regen
23 1.47 Attack Speed
1.08 Basic Armor
21.6 Health
0.53 Health Regen
12.6 Mana
4.8% Mana Regen
24 1.47 Attack Speed
1.08 Basic Armor
21.6 Health
0.53 Health Regen
12.6 Mana
4.8% Mana Regen
25 9.15 Basic Damage 180 Health 15% Cooldown Reduction

Hero AbilitiesAffinities (Death/Chaos/Growth/Knowledge/Order) ● AuraBasic and Ability ArmorAttributes (Agility/Vitality/Intellect) ● CardsCooldownCooldown ReductionExperienceJumpGemsGoldHealthManaMovement Speed (Movement Speed Penalty)
Attack Armor PenetrationAttack SpeedBasic AttackBasic Attack TimeBasic Attack ModifiersDamage over timeLifestealPower
Status Effects, Buffs and Debuffs BlindCrowd ControlImmunityMetamorphosisRewindShadow PlaneShieldSilenceSlowStasis
World AgoraMinimapBackdoor ProtectionCoreFog WallsFountainJump PadMinionsNeutral Monsters (Aqua Camp/Black Camp/Fangtooth/Gold Camp/Green Camp/Prime Helix Guardian/River Camp/White Camp) ● TowerWards
Gameplay GankingHarassmentInitiatingJunglingKillLanePushingRespawnTraits
Legacy Red CampBlue CampAltarAmber LinkHarvester (Harvester Keys) ● RaptorsShadow PadsTravel Mode