Hey guys, does someone plays Paladins here? If Paragon is dead, i will play Paladins nearly every day
If I find enough players, it will be a main game in my clan. Ingame name: PhosphorTV
Come to Discord and we can play :)
Hey guys, does someone plays Paladins here? If Paragon is dead, i will play Paladins nearly every day
If I find enough players, it will be a main game in my clan. Ingame name: PhosphorTV
Come to Discord and we can play :)
Probably its your PC, if not go this way: (Game has to be closed)
1. Open the Epic games launcher
2. Go on Paragon
3. Click on the option symbol near the Starting Button
4. Click on the Verifieing Button and wait
I really appreciated your answer and you are right, many hereos are not strong enough, thats why I want to make these videos
Okay thank you, my first video would be about Wukong
I gonna create some content for my Youtube channel. I will talk about Hereos, who need a rework and I will talk about my idea with statistcs, memes etc. And I have a personal Fanmade Paragon Hero idea.. It comes online soon. My question to you guys is: Which hero in Paragon needs a Rework? Pls tell me why
Hey i have a Fortnite/Paragon clan. You can join us!
Add me on Epic Games: PhosphorTV
Hey i have a Fortnite/Paragon clan. You can join us!
Add me on Epic Games: PhosphorTV
Hey i have a Fortnite/Paragon clan. You can join us!
Add me on Epic Games: PhosphorTV
2 because Nobody is always Toxic in this clan, but everybody in this clan can have a bad day :)
Toxic Plus Gaming is already searching for members. Paragon and Fortnite are our Main games.
We have got a Slotbot and a Musicbot for the fun :D
Join us now to be a part of a Team or only a member in our Discord.
Discord: discord.gg/P9gh6bz
First of all, which lane? I think Offlane... But well Wukong is probably not so good in this meta, but If you want to play him I got some tips 4 u.
My build depends on Growth and Order.
In the Early Game your job is to get many farm and XP.
If they freeze make the Offlane camp
If they freeze you have to look how hard they freeze. If they push the tower after the waves (with Aurora) wait. If they are almost freezing, gank mid.
If u r lvl 5: Look for raps and do it with your team.
Every time push lanes and die for inhibitors!!!
Full Damage build is shit!!