Unfortunately your words are true. This is gone. I don’t even like thinking about it anymore tbh. Cuz it just makes me sad that a great game ruined by greed and not listening to people. But we fought the good fight lads. It was just damned from the start 😞
I am still here Tuto! I am not going anywhere but unfortunately there isn’t much driving this place anymore. So no reason to com in and check, ya know? It’s sad.
Happy new year (little late but whatever) 😂
Yeah at least pay some respect to the game, instead of trying to pretend that it didn’t exist
Hmmmmmm. That game is dirty. Ruins everything it touches
Dude just leave. We are what’s left of this community and the fact that your just fucking with out games legacy is just disgusting. Now get out.
The single player is more than worth it for me.
I meant best. I’m just retarded lol.
Omfg I got it. By far the barest game of the year.
Rip. Zombies is really fun but hard. Blackout(battle royale) is good. The game as a whole is really good.
Dude I’ve been all about Black ops 4. It just came out and it’s awesome. The zombies is hard, but it’s welcomed because black ops 3 was too easy.
And yeah. All three of us. All that’s left.
I heard that as “What’s the difference between jelly and jam?” Lol.
Whipped cream in my pants
The group is good. I am playing a lot of Dead By Daylight, waiting for something regarding Paragon 2 or whatever it is named lol
My friend got the new spider man. He said it’s really good. It’s all he has been playing lol
Indeed friend. There is nothing to talk about anymore.
Damn. Why? Paragon was unfortunate, but we must move on. Soon something will drop, and then the wait will be over.
I would have to agree