Warframe sitting at the top of fandom apps with 53k users with gta at the second place with 47k although theese are the numbers at peek. They dont go down as the fandom dies down. Paragon had 370. I wish they were all still here.
Warframe is dope, can’t wait for the Railjack update.
Havent played the game for quite a while. How is it nowadays?
Pretty good, has 2 open world maps now. Railjack will include a capital ship battle mode.
And a new war with the sentients will start soon.
Dang that sounds sick. Kinda wish I was into it still. What other games do you play?
Warframe is a great game but you gotta be dedicated to it. I got so far and then started playing something else. Ain't touch it since
So true but I mean every looter shooter is like that. If you cant keep up you cant compete
Another 2 favorites are Dark Souls 3 and the Darksiders games.
Though I just lent my computer out cuz I’m not using much lately so I haven’t been playing any games at all for the past month.
Gotta focus on life right now.