Roster for his beta at the bottom 👇
First of all, did yall know he was making a predecessor? I found out like today... his videos have been popping up in my recomended lately since I have been watching BritikHD but never paied attention to them except for the view count and I gotta say, its big (yea yea, thats what she said..(lmao)) his video where he showcased beta heroes as of now has around 75k views which is..pretty good
Now apparently since the other game is coming to ps4 there are rumors that its gonna be hard for RGSACE to convince sony that those 2 are different games. I really hope that we get both of them on ps4 but he said even tho ps4 is planed, pc is a priority right now, which is understandable. Although I hope that the first game to come to ps4 is better than the other one, not because only me but because of the community as a whole. The thing is imagine getting the worse game onto the consoles (by worse I mean the game that wont get as suported as the other one (bug fixes, new heroes at reasonable times, sticking to schedules, dishing out broken updates making us adapt to them as it would take longer to polish them for these smaller companies,etc. Basically epic v2), not being transparent and honest with player base (no need for the explanation there) and other things that kill the community) like I was saying if ps4 got the worse game and the better one couldnt get on the ps store because sony doesnt need 2 same games on the store ps4 community would either have to hope for another year or 2 for someone else to come up with something or it would die completely (with few exceptions that would buy a pc but...they arent a part of a ps4 community then, arey they?
But, better day seem to be upon us, die hard paragon fans, so lets hope for the best for our upcoming games
Oh btw if u havent seen his video the beta roster is:
Offlane: Feng mao
Mid lane: Dekker
Safe lane: Murdock and Muriel
Jungle: Sevarog
No Sparrow :( (not yet at least)